Media Releases


Dr.'s Natural Skin Rejuvenation & Pain Management SolutionsTM

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Media Releases

Introduction to Emu Oil

Emu Oil Benefits Studied:
Bird Has Penetrating Properties
The Daily Times: August 18, 1997, Salisbury, MD

Got Emu Oil?
Excerpt Los Angeles Times Health

Emu Oil Works As Hard As You Do
Reprinted with permission American Emu Association April 2002

Health Care Professionals

"A day at the 'Farmacy'"
Reprinted with permission from RDH Magazine June 2002

This Pharmacy Has Them Coming Back for More-
Emu Oil That Is
Reprinted with Permission Emu Today & Tomorrow

Problem Skin

"Aiming Beyond Conventional Care"
A determined dermatologist reexamines a natural remedy
in an effort to provide alternative acute skin care.
By: Beth Silva

"American Emu Industry
Heats Up For Long, Cold Winter"
Nov. 7, 1998

"Diabetic Physician"
Competes in marathons and he gives emu oil the credit!
Reprinted with permission from Emu Today & Tomorrow

Dr. Holick & Emu Oil


A New, Natural Treatment for Eczema, By: Myra Charleston


Psoriasis - Jackie's Story, By: Myra Charleston

Pain Support

Peripheral Neuropathy – An Alternative Treatment for the Pain, By: Myra Charleston

An Adjustment in Chiropractic
By: Nancy McMillan
Reprinted with permission by Emu Today & Tomorrow, July 1995

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Using Emu Oil for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
By: Dr. Leigh Hopkins

Cancer Relief

Some Cancer Patients are Spelling Relief E.M.U.
Reprinted with permission Emu Today & Tomorrow


Arthritis - Fighting the Vicious Circle, By: Myra Charleston

Sports Medicine

Sports Professionals have said...
Emu Today & Tomorrow

Emu Oil Helps Dallas Mavericks Outsoar Soreness
AEA News

Athletes and Emu Oil: A New Way To Relieve Pain


Caring Hands, Caring Heart, By: Geneva Jen

Doctors & Hospitals Recommend Emu Oil

Local Natural "Farmacy" Product Featured in
National Dermatology Newsmagazine

Cancer Patients Compel Physicians to Take a Closer Look at Emu Oil
Investigative Focus by Beth Silva
Reprinted with permission of Emu Today & Tomorrow May 2000

Emu Oil Is This Physician's Choice
By: Beth Silva

Adelaide Emus making tracks for our medicine cabinets:
WCH researchers unravel the mysteries of emu oil

Women's and Children's Hospital

An Emusing Treatment for Gum Disease, By: Myra Charleston
Permission to reprint

Beauty Aid

Moisturizing and Cosmetic Properties of Emu Oil: A Double Blind Study
By: Dr. Alexander Zemtsov, Indiana University School of Medicine,
Dr. Monica Gaddis, Ball Memorial Hospital,
Dr. Victor Montalvo-Lugo, Ball Memorial Hospital

New Natural Tissue Nutrient Discovered That Slows Skin Aging
The Ocean Pines Gazette: March 31, 1999, Berlin, MD

Emu Oil Is Beneficial
Vogue Magazine: September 1996

Emu: A Bird Worth Its Weight in Oil;
Aboriginal Healing Oil Now a Beauty Aid
June 6, 1999

Is Emu Oil the Fountain of Youth for Aging Baby Boomers?

Skin: The Importance of the Maintenance of the Normal Skin Barrier with Emu Oil
By: Dr. Leigh Hopkins

Dry Skin Got You Cracking UP?
By: Alexandra Hall RDH

Healing Aid

Need insect remedies? -- try going to the birds!
Permission to reprint


Burned on Her Birthday (tm)
Turning Thirteen Painful Experience
By: Myra Charleston of

Diaper Rash

Diaper Rash, By: Myra Charleston

Veterinary Medicine

"Emu Oil vs Electric Barbed Wire Fence"
By: Myra Charleston

Joe Weston's Horse Testimony from New Zealand

Emu Oil Use in Veterinary Medicine
Antedoctal evidence given by a veterinarian treating small & large animals
By: Matthew Zimmer DVM

Emu Oil A Canine's Best Friend
Reprinted with permission by Emu Today & Tomorrow

Nail Fungus Treatment Aid

Use Emu Oil - It Works!

Skin Rejuvenation
& Pain Management


Survival Gear for Skin®
While not yet
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S., emu oil is
recognized and listed by the Therapuetic Goods Registry of Australia as both
an active substance and active ingredient.

Dr. Matthew Zimmer DVM

"I have discovered numerous benefits to using the oil. The epithelial character of the oil is beneficial. The oil also tends to be bacteriostatic, it keeps the wounds moist and has transport capability, which are big advantages." Dr. Zimmer says that by combining emu oil with an antibiotic and treating sutured wounds with the mixture, he has not had to change bandages as frequently and has been able to release injured animals sooner.

Buy Yours Now


Topical Pain Support of Trgeminal Neuralgia

I  am a Multiple Sclerosis patient, having been diagnosed with this disease approximately 19 months ago. My MS has consequently caused an incurable condition known as Trigeminal Neuralgia. This condition is a disorder of the regimental nerve, and is universally considered to be the most painful affliction known to man. Trigeminal neuralgia causes “episodes of intense, stabbing, electric-shock like pain in the areas of the face where the branches of the nerve are distributed; lips, eyes, nose, scalp, forehead, upper jaw, and lower jaw.” This affliction is incurable, and the typical method of treatment is prescribing anti-convulsant drugs and pain killers, which is the method being used in my case. However, these drugs have unpleasant side-effects, and this caused me to research other treatment options. In so doing, the therapeutic effects of emu oil were mentioned in some of the research that I found. I consequently contacted Dr. Michael Hall and his wife, Alexa, of Outback Medic, producers of emu oil. They advised me of the anti-inflammatory properties of emu oil, and suggested that this might prove to be beneficial. I purchased a bottle of their emu oil and started to apply it to the affected areas three or four times a day. I was pleased and surprised to find that it does help with the pain of trigeminal neuralgia. The aftermath of an attack leaves my face inflamed in the nerve areas, and applications of warm emu oil reduce this inflammation, and the discomfort that goes with it. I highly recommend that patients who are diagnosed with any facial neuralgia disorders try the application of warm Outback Medic emu oil. I am pleased that a topical application of emu oil has reduced the amount of pain medication that I had to take. This is highly preferable to taking drugs internally with unknown long-term side effects on major body organs.
Jo Anne Q., Berlin, Maryland

          © 1998-2020           Outback Medic Survival Gear For Skin®
PO Box 822, Berlin, MD 21811

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