Burn Victim Hot About Medical Treatmentby Myra Charleston...continued from previous page According to Merv, when he pulled on the bag it opened the lever, turned the bottle on it’s side and the liquid gas escaped. Fighting the inevitable, Merv tried to turn off the cylinder. The explosion threw him out of the garage onto the driveway. Mr. Randle’s first thoughts were that he was a dead man, then that he had to rescue his wife. Access through the garage was impossible due to the fire so he ran to the locked front door and kicked out the glass to try and alert her. Heather had already spotted the fire and was calling emergency services. Knowing she was safe, Merv went to a neighbor’s house and spent an hour in the shower until an ambulance came to take him to the hospital. The freak accident left Merv with 2nd degree burns over 40% of his body. Affected areas included his face, arms, neck and legs. Please take a look at picture number one, taken on January 8, 1999(or 8 January 1999 if you are in New Zealand), after 4 days in the hospital. While in the hospital Merv was told by his surgeon that they might have to wait five weeks to see whether or not he would have to have skin grafts. “On the second day they lanced all the blisters and cut off the skin where they had been.” Merv stated “They covered the burns with dry dressings and removed them three times a day, skin pulled off, and I thought f- this for a game of soldiers, I’m out of here.” Merv checked himself out of the hospital January 8, 1999. He and his wife stayed at a motel until the house was rebuilt six months later.
Mike Foster, of EMEA, caught Merv at his air-conditioned office on January 11, 1999 where he was seeking refuge from New Zealand’s summer heat and offered him a free bottle of Emu Oil. Merv was skeptical but after seeing some burn pictures depicting the results of using emu oil, and listening to Mike, he agreed to try the oil. Within two days the burnt skin on his face had all but disappeared leaving only a few small scars. Please see photo 2, which was taken on January 15. Merv tells us that the emu oil softened the burnt skin, allowing movement without it cracking. He was so impressed with the oil that he cut off the plastic skin that had been applied to his leg to prevent infection (and wasn’t working).“ After five days use I had a warm shower and most of the blackened skin fell off leaving soft pink new skin.” Says this 17 stone (238 pound) giant “It was very delicate, but at least it was skin.” He went on to tell us that some areas like the lips, nose and ear lobes took a bit longer to heal and that aside from some small scars on his neck, you could not tell he had been burned. Merv says that the pain was extreme but that within twelve hours the skin had softened and he was much more comfortable. When he went back to see his surgeon six
weeks after the accident, the man was astounded at the improvement and
remarked that he hadn’t done much for Merv. Merv replied
“You’re bloody right about that!” In the course of their One good thing that came from this experience was that the District Nurse who was daily visiting Merv noticed the speed and improvement to his condition. She explained to Merv that she was nursing a little girl with burnt hands and asked to borrow some oil. “She’s now sold on the oil, and carries a jar in her medical bag.” says Merv. Merv tells us that "Merv
and the Mad Chef" is being replaced for 13 weeks with a new talkback
show he will be hosting called “I’ve been doing it”. He will be
interviewing local candidates in the up coming elections and
encouraging people to phone in with their own questions. He can be reached
via email at Merv@Randle.co.nz Phone New Zealand (64) 3 544
0324 Mailing Address 230 Pugh Road This information is provided for educational purposes only. For medical diagnosis and treatment, see your physician. Reprinted with Permission from EmusZine.com |